Transylvanian Coins from the Ragoczy Family

Now you have the opportunity to obtain a piece of rare historical value, when an important collection of Transylvanian coins is presented at our next coin auction in Copenhagen.

On 8 November, an extremely rare collection with an equally fascinating history will be up for auction. These are coins minted for the Rákóczi dynasty, which was a dominant noble family in the Kingdom of Hungary between the 13th and 18th centuries.

According to Michael Fornitz, Chief Numismatist at Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers, the suite of Transylvanian coins from this collection is so special that the majority of his international colleagues would probably be rendered speechless if they saw it. Besides being both beautiful and fascinating, the unusual coins also impress when it comes to size.

“The collection itself is remarkable, both in terms of quality and history. In addition, it is the first time that gold coins of this size and weight from the 1600s have been offered at an auction in Denmark. We are talking about very impressive gold coins,"

says Michael Fornitz, Chief Numismatist

In the Ownership of the Ragoczy Family

The earliest history of the offered coin collection has unfortunately been lost, but it is at least known that it has belonged to Johannes Walther Franz Lothar Valerius Ragoczy, who was of Hungarian descent, but immigrated from Silesia to Denmark in 1898. Together with Louis H. Poulsen, he created a profitable business as a leather goods wholesaler and established one of the leading leather goods companies in the Nordic countries with a main office located on Amaliegade in central Copenhagen.

Valerius Ragoczy had a big heart when it came to art, history and literature, and was a collector with a capital C. Among other items, he owned several paintings by well-known artists such as Jens Juel – as well as a book collection with rare works by Tycho Brahe.

His most remarkable collection, however, consisted of his Danish and Norwegian coins, which were sold at auctions in 1959 and 1961. Several of the coins have until now remained in the Ragoczy family's possession, unbeknownst to both collectors and researchers. These coins can now be found at our upcoming coin auction.


Sigismund Rakóczi, 10 Dukat 1607, minted in Klausenburg (Kolozsvár). Estimate: DKK 400,000.

The House of Rákóczi

Transylvania is probably especially known for the infamous Count Dracula and other vampyric lore, but in the real world, the region contains the fascinating and complex history of the House of Rákóczi, which has played a pivotal role in the creation of a national identity.

The family’s many historic members include names such as Sigismund Rákóczi (1544-1608), who had an illustrious career during the wars against the Ottomans. He was appointed Prince of Transylvania by the Siebenburg Diet in 1607, and at his death he had amassed such great fortunes that his descendants became the richest in Hungary. Sigismund's son, Georg I Rákóczi (*1593 - 1648), who was a devout Protestant and thus in open opposition to the Habsburg monarchy, was Prince of Transylvania from 1630 to 1648.


Georg I, Rákóczi, 5 Dukat 1637, minted in Klausenburg (Kolozsvár). Estimate: DKK 120,000.

Georg II Rákóczi (*1621 – 1660), who in 1657 led an army of 40,000 men against the Polish King John II Casimir and with Swedish help captured both Kraków and Warsaw, but the army was soon pushed back. In his final years, Georg II was in constant confrontations with the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire and died in 1660 while fighting the Turks at the Battle of Szászfenes.

Franz (Ferenc) II Rákóczi (1676 – 1735) is still today considered nothing less than a Hungarian national hero because of his efforts in the war he waged between 1702 and 1711 to obtain Hungarian independence from the Habsburgs.


Live Auction

The Ragoczy Collection

Tuesday 8 November at 4 pm

Karsten Kold’s Collection – Part II

The auction also includes several other prominent collections. Most Danish coin collectors probably remember the auction of Karsten Kold's exquisite coin collection that took place in April 2022. All of the lots at the auction were sold, and the hammer prices were on average 80% above the original estimates.

The Easy Follow-up

At our upcoming coin auction, you can once again let yourself be seduced by the sublime qualities that characterize Karsten's collection, as we offer the second half of the memorable collection. The term "difficult follow-up" is not applicable for this last part of Karsten Kold's collection, which once again only contains the sublime – the difficult part will be what to choose.


Viborg, Penny, Hbg. 63, Hbg. auc. 1159, L.E. Estimate: DKK 60,000.
5 Dukat 1704, Copenhagen. Estimate: DKK 400,000.

The material ranges widely from rare and interesting pennies from the late Viking Age to large and unusually beautiful silver coins from the period of the Kalmar Union, and from an exquisite Norwegian Baroque Speciedaler to a magnificent example of Christian X's final gold twenty kroner from 1931. The auction also includes rare and beautiful Ducats led by the imposing 5 Ducat from 1704.

A remarkable suite at the auction comes in the shape of gold coins which, by means of a special text (EX AURO SINICO) on the reverse, tell us that they have been minted in gold brought home from China.

Christian IV’s Piaster from 1624

From Karsten Kold’s collection, you will also find a sublime example of a combination of rarity and quality: Christian IV's historically and numismatically unique Piaster from 1624. This is Denmark's oldest colonial coin, the most beautiful example among the very few of these coins in private ownership, and with a remarkable series of previous owners consisting of great numismatists from the beginning of the 19th century and up until today. Here you are not only buying an extremely rare coin, but an important piece of Danish Renaissance history as well as a piece of collector's history, which the new owner can become a part of. If you hesitate during this auction, you can only hope that the buyer is somewhat older than yourself, because otherwise the chance for another bid will most likely not come again any time soon.


Piaster 1624. Estimate: DKK 350,000.

Would you like to experience the preview?

Live Auction

Karsten Kold’s Collection – part II + coins and medals

Tuesday 8 November at 10 am

For further information, please contact:

Brian  Lohmann Portrait

Brian Lohmann

Brian Lohmann

Specialist / Glostrup
Henrik  Möller Portrait

Henrik Möller

Henrik Möller

Specialist / Glostrup