
Tibetansk thangka med ti-armet Manjushri, Namasangiti. Han sidder centralt i dhyanasana på en lotustrone med forskellige attributter i hænderne, forskellige Manjushri manifestationer, beskyttere, guddomme og Buddhaer sidder omkring ham. Verso med to aftryk af hænder samt et firkantet seglmærke. Sen 18. årh.-tidl. 19. årh. 70×46 cm.

Proveniens: Dansk privatsamling.

The four-headed Manjushri is surrounded by many other forms of this buddha. This form of the buddha Manjushri is known as Dharmadhatu Vagishvara, Lord of Speech that is the Space of all Things. The source is the tantric scripture Manjushri Nama Sangiti, which was proclaimed by Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha. The purpose is for unfolding the knowledge that sees the nature of things and mind, directly and without filters of any kind. This knowledge is depicted in an anthropomorphic form as a skillful means so we can more easily identify with it. In the bottom level of the thangka is a mantra in devanagri script. On the back are two handprints and the three syllables om, ah and hung - for consecrating the main figure to represent enlightened form, voice and mind. Handprints on the back of a thangka are very rare and only made by masters who have a deep level of realization, meaning that the nature of their own mind is seen directly and almost constantly as being identical with a buddha, not in form but in essence.

Erik Pema Kunsang, 2020


Alders- og brugsslitage. Mindre huller, pletter og meget slitage på dekorationen på det ene hjørne/side. Brokade formentlig original med slitage og nogle få huller.


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