Charles Darwin (b. 1809, d. 1882)
M. Søraas (transl.): Charles Darwins Liv og Breve med et Kapitel Selvbiografi udgivne af hans Søn Francis Darwin. 3 vols. Bibliothek for de tusen hjem [1889]. 1st Scandinavian translation. 8vo. With 3 frontispieces (in vol. I) + 447, (1) pp. 456 pp." 488 pp. With old book plate. Bound in cont. half leather, bindings with signs of wear due to age and use. (3)
The rare first Norwegian translation of Darwin's “The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter” - being the first translation of any of Darwin's works into Norwegian [...] Due to the similarities between Danish, Swedish and Norwegian, this edition in effect introduced Darwin's letters and autobiography to Scandinavia. [...]."
Freeman #1528.
Books and manuscripts, 21 June 2022
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