
Gift certificate for a tennis session with Holger Rune. The session includes gameplay as well as tips and tricks from Holger Rune. The tennis lesson will take place in November or December 2025 at a tennis club in the Greater Copenhagen area. The gift card is valid for one tennis lesson for up to two people. A Babolat tennis racket that Holger Rune has played with at the Grand Slam tournament Australian Open earlier this year, as well as last year's Paris Masters.

Photo: Corinne Dubreuil

On March 23rd, the Danish non-profit organization Børns Vilkår will hold its annual door-to-door collection. Over 10,000 volunteers from across the country will be collecting donations to support this important cause. In a special collaboration with Bruun Rasmussen and tennis star Holger Rune, you now have the chance to contribute by purchasing an exclusive tennis session with Rune himself. Holger Rune has long been a passionate supporter of Børns Vilkår. In 2024, he donated money for every ace he served during the Masters tournament in Indian Wells, and this year, the partnership has deepened into a permanent ambassadorship. Rune is now actively involved in launching initiatives and advocating for children’s and young people’s well-being. As part of this collaboration, Holger Rune is exclusively auctioning off a gift card for a one-hour tennis session with him, along with a personal tennis racket Rune has played with at this year’s Australian Open “I am very aware of the privilege of the upbringing and opportunities I’ve had, and I’m deeply grateful for them. Unfortunately, not all children are as fortunate, and it really touches me when I hear about those who face neglect. This cause is close to my heart, and I want to support Børns Vilkår in bringing attention to this critical issue,” says Holger Rune.

About Børns Vilkår • Established in 1977, Børns Vilkår is a social humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the lives and opportunities of children and young people in Denmark. • The organization runs two advisory services: BørneTelefonen and HØRT (Phone: 116 111, BørneTelefonen.dk, hørt.dk). • Children and young people can reach out for free and anonymous support on any issue they may be facing. • In 2024, BørneTelefonen and HØRT held over 64,000 conversations with children and young people. • Both services are available 24/7, all year round.

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