Dan Turèll's first book: Vibrationer. [Cph] 1966. + Områder af skiftende tæthed og tomhed. Cph 1970. Both rare. (2)
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
3,600 DKK -
Johannes Jørgensen: Vers. Cph 1887. 1st ed. 8vo. Bound by Anker Kyster.
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
Dan Turèll, Peter Laugesen: Dobbeltskrift. Printed at Kjærs Bogtryk, Århus [1973]. Large 8vo.
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
3,000 DKK -
Sophus Claussen: Collection of 14 vols. incl. Unge Bander. Cph 1894. + Pibefløjter. Cph 1899. + 12 other vols. (14)
Estimate :
1,500–2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,750 DKK -
Dan Turèll: Feuilleton 1-8. 8 vols. Århus [and Cph] 1972. Original wrappers. (8)
Estimate :
4,000–5,000 DKK Price realised:
3,800 DKK -
Sven Dalsgaard: Collection of 7 vols. by Dalsggard, incl. Sidste latter. Cph [no date]. + paper and 3 loose leaves.
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,750 DKK -
Per Højholt, Svend Åge Madsen, Hans-Jørgen Nielsen et al. (eds.): MAK 1-6 (all published). Cph: 1969-1970. + 28 vols. (34)
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
850 DKK -
Ole Sarvig: Collection of 6 1st eds. All in orig. wrappers. Housed in paper box.
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
1,150 DKK -
Per Højholt: Praksis. 12 vols. Complete. Cph 1977-96. 1st ed. Orig. wrappers. + 3 other vols. and 2 LPs. (17)
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,050 DKK -
Dan Turèll: Collection of 26 vols., most 1st editions. Incl. Onkel Danny's [...] Dåse-Digte. + 25 other vols. (26)
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
3,200 DKK -
Johannes L. Madsen: Nedspildt spruttende af syre. + Smarte pletter mellem fingrene. (2)
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
1,600 DKK -
Johannes L. Madsen: a b se digte. Herning 1965 (Official debut). + 3 vols. (4).
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
1,900 DKK -
Axel Salto: Alf Larsen "Digte". Cph 1919. Illust. with 5 orig. and signed etchings by Axel Salto. + 1 other vol. (2)
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
1,650 DKK -
Dan Turèll: Opsvulmede byer i sigtekornet flagrende skud i bedvidstheden. [Cph] 1972. + 6 other vols. (7)
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
5,500 DKK -
Emil Aarestrup: Digte. Cph 1838. 1st ed. + Efterladte Digte. Cph 1863. Both 8vo. Both bound in half calf. (2)
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
1,550 DKK -
Søren Ulrik Thomsen: Det værste og det bedste. Cph 2002. Inscribed by the author. + 5 other vols. (6)
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,150 DKK -
Per Kirkeby: Per Kirkeby Litt. Nykøbing Mors 1965. Orig. wrapper.
Estimate :
1,500–2,000 DKK Price realised:
800 DKK -
Collection of 13 vols. of Danish poetry + 7 vols. of Hvedekorn. (20)
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
Nils Ferlin: En döddansares visor. Stockholm 1930. 1st ed. inscribed. Orig. wrappers.
Estimate :
1,500–2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,600 DKK -
Sven Dalsgaard: Ord. Jysk Kunstgalleries Forlag [no place] 1970. + 6 other vols. (7)
Estimate :
1,500–2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,250 DKK -
Jan Garff (ed.): Moderne dansk grafik og lyrik. With 39 original graphic works by various artists. Limited edition.
Estimate :
1,500–2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,150 DKK -
Jørgen Nash: Salvi Dylvo. Cph [1945]. + Carl-Henning Pedersen: Drømmedigte. Cph [1945]. (2)
Estimate :
3,000–5,000 DKK Price realised:
2,600 DKK -
Simon Grotian: Sneens tretten digte. With 6 orig. etchings by Peter Brandes. Skive: Forlaget Wunderbuch 2016.
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
4,000 DKK -
Tom Kristensen: Fribytterdrømme. Cph 1920. 8vo. + Rudolf Broby-Johansen: Blod. Orig. wrappers. Cph 1922. 8vo. (2)
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,750 DKK -
Erik Lindegren, Ivan Malinowski, Anker Kysters Eftf.: Sviter. Stockholm 1947. + Posthum Ungdom. Stockholm 1935. + 6 other vols. (10)
Estimate :
8,000–10,000 DKK Price realised:
4,200 DKK -
Tomas Tranströmer: Poémes. [No place] 1998. Signed and numbered #58/60. + 2 other vols. (3)
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Price realised:
5,500 DKK -
Gustaf Munch-Petersen: A collection of 6 vols. Cph 1932-1946. 8vo. + 2 booklets. (8)
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,100 DKK -
Edith Södergran: Septemberlyran. Helsingfors 1918. + Rosenaltaret. Helsingfors 1919. + 2 other vols. (4)
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
3,800 DKK -
Presentation copy by H.C. Ørsted: Luftskibet. Cph 1836. 1st ed. 12mo. Inscribed by the author on flyleaf.
Estimate :
3,000–5,000 DKK Price realised:
4,800 DKK