Books & manuscripts
Books and manuscripts
Lorenz Frølich: Amour et Psyché. Paris 1862. Folio. 20 engraved etchings.
Estimate :
1,500–2,000 DKK Price realised:
800 DKK -
Dan Turèll's first book: Vibrationer. [Cph] 1966. + Områder af skiftende tæthed og tomhed. Cph 1970. Both rare. (2)
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
3,600 DKK -
Henrich T. Gerner (1629-1700): Sædvanlige hellige Dagis hellige Tanker. Part I-II. Cph 1684
Estimate :
1,200–1,500 DKK Price realised:
600 DKK -
Martin Luther: Biblia, Das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments [...]. Nürnberg 1692.
Estimate :
8,000–10,000 DKK Price realised:
4,000 DKK -
Paul Konrad, André Maublanc: Icones selectae Fungorum. 6 vols. Paris 1924-1937. 4to. (6)
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
1,500 DKK -
Quiller-Couch (ed.): The Oxford book of English Verse. 1250-1900. + The Poetical Works of sir Walter Scott. (2)
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
650 DKK -
Chinese leporello by Qui Baishi: Leporello containing 23 woodblock colour prints by Chi Pai-Shih/Qi Baishi. 1952.
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Price realised:
2,800 DKK -
A collection of 27 autographs. Measures app. H. 3.2-19.5 x L. 7.8-12.9 cm. (27)
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
600 DKK -
Denys Finch Hatton, Iris Tree: Poems. New York 1920. 1st ed. Signed and dated by Denys Finch Hatton.
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
3,200 DKK -
Joachim Heinrich Campe: Robinson der Jüngere. [...]. Braunschweig 1789.
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Not sold
Johannes Jørgensen: Vers. Cph 1887. 1st ed. 8vo. Bound by Anker Kyster.
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
Dan Turèll, Peter Laugesen: Dobbeltskrift. Printed at Kjærs Bogtryk, Århus [1973]. Large 8vo.
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
3,000 DKK -
Hans Christian Andersen: Collection of 9 1st printing from Københavns flyvende Post. Cph 1827-1830. Various paper folders. (9)
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
1,750 DKK -
Hans Christian Andersen: Collection of 13 vols. from the 1840s. Varios bidnings. (13)
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
2,200 DKK -
Hans Christian Andersen: Nyt Repertorium for Moerskabs-Læsning. 3 issues. + 2 other vols. (5)
Estimate :
1,200–1,500 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
Hans Christian Andersen: Kjærlighed paa Nicolai Taarn eller hvad siger Parterret. Cph 1829. 1st ed.
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,800 DKK -
Compilation binding containing Jüdske Lowbog and several Danish 17th century laws. Cph 1642-1643. Bound in cont. full vellum.
Estimate :
4,000 DKK Price realised:
3,200 DKK