Ancient Greece, Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemaios XII, 80-51 BC, Tetradrachm, Alexandria or Paphos, year 30, 13.89 g, Svoronos 1840
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
Parthian Empire, coll. of drachms from Mithradates II, Gotarses I, Phrates IV, Vardanes I, Vologases III, Osroes II. (6)
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
900 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Selukid Empire, Antiochos VI Dionysus, 144-142 BC, Tetradrachm, Antioch, 16.18 g, Newell, SMA 65, 240, Houghton coll. 234 - corroded
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,850 DKK -
Persis, Pakor II, 1st cent. AD, Hemidrachm, 2 pcs., 1.82 g, 1.41 g, Obol, 0.64 g. (3)
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
320 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Armenian Kingdom, Tigranes II 'the Great', 95 - 56 BC, Tetradrachm, Tigranocerta, c. 80 - 68 BC, Kowacs 74.1, 15.65 g
Estimate :
7,000 DKK Not sold
Persis, coll. of coins from among others Darev I, Pakor II, Ardaxsir III, Manchir III, Vadfardad IV, Ardaxsir IV, in total 25 pcs
Estimate :
2,500 DKK Price realised:
2,100 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Seleukid Empire, Seleukos I Nikator, 312-281 BC, Drachm, 4.19 g, HGC 9. 28
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Seleukid EMpire, Antiochos VII Eurgetes, 138-129 BC, Tetradrachm, Antioch, 16.30 g, SC 2061.4c, HGC 9. 1079
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Not sold
Persis, Darev (Darios) II, 1st cent. BC, coll. of Hemidrachms, in total 17 pcs
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,650 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Seleukid Empire, Seleukeia Pieria, Tetradrachm, year 10 (100-99 BC), 14.35 g, HGC 9, 1382, DCA 697
Estimate :
6,000 DKK Not sold
Ancient Greece, Macedonian Kingdom, Philippos V, 221-179 BC, Didrachm, Pella or Amphipolis, 184-179 BC, 7.75 g, HGC 3. 1. 1059 - edge damage
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
950 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Macedonian kingdom, Alexander III, the Great, 336–323 BC, Tetradrachm, Amphipolis, ca. 325-323/2 BC, 16,54 g, Price 83
Estimate :
1,400 DKK Price realised:
1,250 DKK -
Persis, Darev (Darios) II, 1st cent. BC, coll. of Obols, in total 70 pcs
Estimate :
5,000 DKK Price realised:
3,200 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Crete, Lyttos, Stater, c. 320-270 BC, 11.53 g, Le Rider pl.VII, 22-23, Cf. Svoronos 35, pl. XXI, 25
Estimate :
5,000 DKK Not sold
Ancient Greece, Attica, Athens, Tetradrachm, ca. 454–404 BC, 17.23 g, Kroll 8, Dewing 1591 ff, SNG Cop. 31
Estimate :
8,000 DKK Price realised:
7,000 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Italy, Lucania, Metapont, Nomos/Didrachm, 340-330 BC, 7.82 g, HN Italy 1575, Johnston B 2
Estimate :
1,600 DKK Price realised:
800 DKK -
Ancient Greece, Italy, Lucania, Heraclea, Nomos/Didrachm, 330-281 BC, 7.90 g, HN Italy 1383
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
Celtic Centra Europe, Carpathian region, Tetradrachm, 2nd cent. BC, "Audoleon monogram", 12.70 g, Dembski 1345var
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
Gaul, Belgica, Paris Area, Potin, c. 50-40 BC, 4,15 g, Huysecom, Revue de Picardie, 1985, 48 p. 12
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
650 DKK