
Find Your Favourites Online

Every week of the year, you have the opportunity to bid on more than 1,500 works of art, design classics, antiques and collectibles at our Online Auctions.

At our Online Auctions, you will find high-quality items at far more affordable prices than at the Live Auctions held at Bredgade in the centre of Copenhagen. Whether you are into design icons by Danish architects, blue-fluted porcelain, wristwatches from famous brands, wines from classified French châteaux or something else entirely, there is always plenty to choose from. The items are placed in different categories, which are sold on specific days of the week:

  • Monday: Fine art, furniture and decorative art

  • Tuesday: Modern art, design and decorative art

  • Wednesday: Jewellery, wristwatches and handbags

  • Thursday: Direct Auction

  • Sunday (every other week): Coins and wine

Several times a year, we also sell books, stamps and weapons at special Online Auctions.


Upcoming Online Auctions