Jørgen Holst: Oeconomica nova paa Danske. Med andre hosføyede Tractater. Cph. 1647–1649. Jørgen Holsts bekostning. With woodcut titlepage. With index. Contains 8 out 9 parts (per index).
Content: Dedication. + Oeconomia eller Nødvendig Beretning oc Anledning/ hvorledis en gandske Huuszholding paa det nytteligste (…) kan anstilles. (Cph 1648). Missing titlepage, with register. 41 p. + Pedermontanus, Alex. En liden dog konsterig Bog om adskillige slags Farffve oc Bleck. Cph 1648; af Peter Hake. With register. 64p. + Weckerin, Anna. En artig oc meget nyttelig Kogebog (...) Cph 1648; Peder Hake. With register. pp. 130–342. + En liden Artig Konst Bog/ hvor udi Indholdis I. Om adskillige Confect (...), II. Om adskillige slags god Ædicke (...) III. Om adskillige slags Øll at brygge oc handle (...) Cph 1649. With register. 54p. + En liden artig oc konstrig Fiske-Bog/ om adskillige Fiskefang (...) Cph 1649. With woodcut on titlepage. 46 p. + Hervigius, Johannes. En nyttig Bog om Bjer [bier]/ hvorledis mand med dennem skal handle oc omgaaes (...) Cph 1649. With 3 woodcut illustrations. 82 p. + Bolten, Valentin. En Ny oc Konstrig Illuminer-Bog. Det er: Hvorledes konsteligen er at giøre oc berede alle slags Farffver (...) Cph 1648, aff Peter Hake. 106 pages + register.
Bound in cont. vellum, with some spotting and signs of age. Missing the 'Horticultura Danica', and titlepage to 'Oeconomia eller Nødvendig Beretning oc Anledning'.
The publication of the book was financed by Jørgen Holst and consists of both Danish contributions and some translated from other languages. It contains some of the earliest Danish treatises on general housekeeping, such as the second (but first publicly available) Danish cookbook (Weckerin), the first publicly available Danish book on fishing/angling, and the first Danish book on bees, illustrated with woodcuts.
Bound in cont. vellum, with some spotting and signs of age. Missing the 'Horticultura Danica', and titlepage to 'Oeconomia eller Nødvendig Beretning oc Anledning'. Bottom corner of title/content page missing, with no damage to text.
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