
Benny Dröscher (b. Aalborg 1971)

“A strong presence... (4)”, 2007. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Mixed media on canvas. 90×90 cm. Book from the exhibition “When time stops and Time is Never Ending” is included. (2)

Literature: “Benny Dröscher: When time stops and Time is Never Ending”, ill. p. 54.

Exhibited: “When time stops and Time is Never Ending”, Kunsthal Brænderigården, Rønnebæksholm, 2013.

This lot is subject to Artist's Royalty.

Minor handling marks. Good condition.

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Please note: The item is subject to the Anti-Money Laundering Act. In the event of a hammer price of DKK 50,000 or more, including buyer’s premium, the buyer must submit a copy of a valid photo ID and proof of address in order to collect the item.

In Lyngby

30,000–40,000 DKK

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