“Blue Fluted” porcelain service decorated in blue. Royal Copenhagen. (47)
1 salt pot, 480;
1 pepper pot, 467;
6 ash trays, 1004;
1 ash tray, 7;
6 coffee cups and saucers, 80;
4 pastry plates, 181;
5 pastry plates, 182;
1 candlestick, 1138;
1 mustard jar, 715;
1 pepper pot, 439;
1 oval tray, 1147;
1 bowl, 1023;
1 bowl, 1018;
1 fruit bowl, 1061;
2 double egg cup, 301;
1 dish, 1098;
1 creamer, 1032;
1 cigar beaker, 1015;
1 tray, 1122;
1 sugar bowl, 1112;
1 coffee pot, 1202;
5 coffee cups and saucers, 1035;
5 pastry plates, 1088.
3rd assortment: 1004, 1035, 1088. 4th assortment: 1138, 1147, 1023, 1018, 1061, 1098, 1032, 1122, 1112, 1202.
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