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Ambrosius Stub (b. 1705, d. 1758)

Purchased by Det Kongelige Bibliotek in June 2023. Autograph manuscript containing part of a library catalogue of Valdemar's Castle's library. 42 leaves (84 pages with text). Ink on paper. Valdemar's Castle, [no date]. Bound in a cont. decorated orange paper wrapper with blind tooled paper from Augsburg with motifs from China. 32×21 cm.

During Ambrosius Stub's employment as secretary and writer at Valdemar's Castle, Niels Juel the Younger asked him among other things to registrate the books of the library. In the catalogue, Stub has single-handedly registrered 487 titles of the enitre library. Stub's sense of order and systematicity was not perfect!

Literature: Kromann-Rosenkilde: Ambrosius Stubs Digte. Cph: Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1972.

Provenance: Valdemar's Castle, Tåsinge.


Manuscripts from Valdemar's Castle and antiques, 14 June 2023


20,000–30,000 DKK


Price realised

14,000 DKK