
A fine pair of Austrian flintlock pistols by Casper Dilpp in Stein mounted in gilded brass. The butt caps with florals and military attributes, escutcheon with the same, flat locks carved with a cavalry battle between Ottomans and Europeans marked CASPAR DILPP behind the cocks and IN STEIN between the fire steel springs, side plates with florals, c 34,8 cm. long barrel in calibre c 15,5 mm with flat backs marked C. DILP IN STAIN in gold and carved with military attributes above the powder chambers. Wooden ramrods with bullet screw and horn finals held by two fluted pipes.


All iron cleaned, one pistol cannot stand in its last rest, the stock professionally restored.


Collection of antique weapons, 13 January 2025


40,000 DKK

Price realised

Not sold