
Interesting collection of biographies (mostly) and biographical works. 19th -20th century. Most in English and German. The collection incl. J-P. Coumont: Demonology and Witchcraft. An Annotated Bibliography. Utrecht 2004. X + 585 + LXXX pp. + Elzevier - Willems: Les Elzevier. Histoire et annales typographiques. Bruxelles 1880. Frontis. in colour, table and 2 plates. XXXVII+607 p. + Medicine: Heirs of Hippocrates. The Development of Medicine in a Catalogue of Historic Books in the Health Sciences Library, The University of Iowa. Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa City 1980. 4to. Beautifully illustrated and annotated catalogue. XIV+474 p. + Lipperheide: Katalog der Lipperheideschen Kostümbibliothek. Neubearbeitet von Eva Nieholdt und Gretel Wagner-Neumann. 2 vols. Berlin 1965. 4to. Illustr. XXIV+594; XIV+595–1167 p. Moreover biographies on George Cruikshank, Jonathan Swift, T.E. Lawrence, Rudyard Kipling, Daneil Defoe, Jane Austen, William Blake, Ernest Hemingway, Oscar Wilde and many, many others. Most in publisher's boards, some with d/w. (100)


Books and manuscripts, 15 December 2020


6,000–8,000 DKK


Price realised

6,000 DKK  

14 bids

When Bidder Bid
6,000 DKK
5,500 DKK
(Auto bid) 5,000 DKK
5,000 DKK
(Auto bid) 4,800 DKK
4,600 DKK
(Auto bid) 4,400 DKK
4,200 DKK
(Auto bid) 4,000 DKK
3,800 DKK
3,600 DKK
3,400 DKK
3,200 DKK
3,000 DKK