
Levinus Vincent. Wondertooneel der Nature. 1706.

Levinus Vincent. Wondertoneel der Nature. Geopent in eene korte beschryvinge der hoofddeelen van de byzondere zeldsaamheden daar in begrepen. 2 parts in 1 vol. Gerard Valk. Amsterdam. 1706–1715.

In original wrappers. Wrappers damaged and spine missing. Book block intact. With frontispiece and 6 engraved plates. Missing the doublepage plate showing the cabinet's configuration in Haarlem.

The Dutch merchant, Levinus Vincent and his wife Joanna van Breda collected a large amount of naturalia and manmade curiosities in the late seventeenth century, eventually becoming one of eighteenth-century Holland’s most significant collections. The collection was publicly accessible in Amsterdam from 1698 to 1706 and consisted of fossils, insects, birds, minerals and more as well as drawings, books and numerous objects brought to the Netherlands through colonial trade. This book’s detailed depiction and inventory, is important resource for understanding the form, content, and purpose of such collections around the turn of the eighteenth century.


Wrappers damaged and detached from spine, with spin showing. Some spotting throughout, but largely clean inside.

I Lyngby

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