
A Monument of the Danish Reformation: First Danish translation of the entire Bible. (2).

Biblia, Det er den gantske Hellige Scrifft, udsæt paa Danske. Cph: Printed by Ludwig Dietz 1550. Folio. Wood-engraved titlepage with portrait of King Chr. III on verso. Richly illustrated with woodcuts by Erhard Altdorffer. Preliminary and final leaves restored. 18th century annotations on flyleaves and occasional commentaries in margins. Bound in contemporary full calf over boards with brass corner pieces (most renewed) and two clasps. Slight wear on hinges. The binding was restored in 1737. Housed in cardboard slipcase.

Enclosed Peter Raes: På sporet af gamle bibler. Cph. 1995. Bound in half morocco with top-edge gilt.


A rare, complete copy in early full calf of the first Danish translation of the entire Bible, commissioned by King Christian III, and a monument of the Danish Reformation. Christian III's Bible is the first folio Bible of Denmark and Norway and famous for its numerous woodcuts by Altdorffer.


Books and Manuscripts, 30 October 2023


40,000–50,000 DKK


Price realised

75,000 DKK  

14 bids

When Bidder Bid
75,000 DKK
70,000 DKK
65,000 DKK
60,000 DKK
55,000 DKK
(Auto bid) 50,000 DKK
50,000 DKK
(Auto bid) 48,000 DKK
46,000 DKK
(Auto bid) 44,000 DKK
42,000 DKK
40,000 DKK
38,000 DKK
36,000 DKK