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Modern art and design

Johan Thomas Lundbye (b. Kalundborg 1818, d. Bedsted 1848)

Purchased by Museum Vestsjælland December 2024

“Køer paa aaben Mark. Regndag”. Cows on a field. Rainy day. Signed with monogram and dated 47. On the reverse of the stretcher a wax seal. Oil on canvas. 41×53 cm.

Karl Madsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of J. Th. Lundbye, 1895, no. 255, mentioned p. 212.

Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1848 no. 129. Here acquired by count S. Danneskiold-Samsøe for 100 Rdl. Kunstforeningen, “Udstilling af Malerier, hvoraf Indtægten er bestemt til Anvendelse ved Frederiksborg Slots Genopførelse” (Exhibition of Paintings, the income from which is intended for use in the restoration of Frederiksborg Castle), 1860 no. 228. Foreningen “Fremtiden”, “Udstilling af ældre danske Malerier og Bronzestatuetter”, Charlottenborg, 1869 no. 107. Den nordiske Industri- og Kunstudstilling 1872 no. 141. Kunstforeningen, “Arbejder af Johan Thomas Lundbye”, 1893 no. 148.

Provenance: Count S. Danneskiold-Samsøe (1848, 1860, 1869, 1872, 1893). Theater director Chr. Danneskiold-Samsøe (1895). Winkel & Magnussen auction 46, 1926 no. 72. Engineer Johannes Rump. Manufacturer Jac. Olsen. General Erna de Foguel. Bruun Rasmussen auction 494, 1987 no. 159, ill. p. 53. Bruun Rasmussen auction 737, 2004 no. 2037, ill. p. 46. Bruun Rasmussen Vejle, “Udsøgte malerier fra en dansk privatsamlig” (Selected paintings from a Danish private collection) auction 102, 2005 no. 11 ill. p. 17.

Additional Remarks

Please note: The item is subject to the Anti-Money Laundering Act. In the event of a hammer price of DKK 50,000 or more, including buyer’s premium, the buyer must submit a copy of a valid photo ID and proof of address in order to collect the item.


The Danish Golden Age and fine art, 2 December 2024


75,000–100,000 DKK


Price realised

70,000 DKK