
JEAN-BAPTISTE MONNOYERe efter: Serien ‘Les Grotesques Chinois’. Tapet efter MANUFACTURE ROYALE DE BEAUVAIS, UNDER THE DIRECTORSHIP OF PHILIPPE BEHAGLE (1684–1705), DESIGNED BY JEAN-BAPTISTE MONNOYER (1636–1699) AND JEAN I BERAIN (1640–1711), BETWEEN 1688 AND 1732. Udført i uld og silke. 19. årh. B. 279. H. 270.

Proveniens: Tysk samling.

Det originale “THE MUSICIANS AND DANCERS” tapet, solgt Christie´s, London(Salg 11955). “The Exceptional Sale”, 7 Juli 2016. Lot. 332.

The Beauvais Manufactory (French: Manufacture de Beauvais) is a historic tapestry factory in Beauvais, France. It was the second in importance, after the Gobelins Manufactory, of French tapestry workshops that were established under the general direction of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the finance minister of Louis XIV. Whereas the royal Gobelins Manufactory executed tapestries for the royal residences and as ambassadorial gifts, the manufacture at Beauvais remained a private enterprise.


Konditionsrapport ved forespørgsel. Kontakt: carpets@bruun-rasmussen.dk


Møbler, tæpper og varia, 27. november 2019


125.000 DKK


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