
Arild Huitfeldt (b. Bergenshus 1546, d. Herlufsholm 1609)

Ludvig Holberg (b. Bergen 1684, d. 1754)

Collection of printings relating to Denmark's history. Huitfeldt and Holberg. (12)

Arild Hvidtfeldt: Danmarckis Rigis Krønicke. 7 vols. 1595–1604. 10 parts bound in 7 vols. [4 vols in vellum.] All with defect bindings. (7)

Regum Daniæ Icones. Written in Latin, German and Danish. Incomplete. With 97 + 3 engravings of kings and regents. Bound in contemporary full vellum, binding defective.

Ludvig Holberg: Dannemarks Riges Historie. Cph. Høffner. 1732–1735. First edition. Bound in worn full calf, marbled edges. (3).

Erico Schrodero / Arild Huitfeldt: Historisk relation, om konung Christierns [...] Swerige, Danmark och Norje öfwat hafwer. .. Men nu på nytt reviderat, och effter Poetisct Aart förbättrat aff Erico Schrodero. 1644. Contemporary vellum.

Huitfeldt's Krønicke is the first printed comprehensive history of Denmark, relating the history from King Dan and up to the death of King Christian III, 1559.


Several bindings loose or with defects.


8,000–10,000 DKK


Price realised

7,500 DKK  

10 bids

When Bidder Bid
830540 (Auto bid) 7,500 DKK
504299 7,500 DKK
830540 7,000 DKK
108290 (Auto bid) 6,500 DKK
830540 6,000 DKK
108290 (Auto bid) 5,500 DKK
830540 5,000 DKK
108290 (Auto bid) 4,800 DKK
830540 4,600 DKK
108290 4,000 DKK