
David Salle (f. Norman, Oklahoma 1952)

“Spanish Woman”, 2007. Sign. og dateret på bagsiden samt med titel. Olie på lærred. 165×122.

Proveniens: Galleri Faurschou, København. Proveniens: Privatsamling, Danmark. Erhvervet fra ovenstående.

“In my view, to have value, a work of art has to do many things simultaneously - well it doesn’t have to do anything, really - but let’s say that one idea is that it can both offer a kind of immediate visual pizzazz, and at the same time can unfold slowly over time, its meaning deepening and its complexity ripening, while the immediacy of its visual impact never fades. That is what we as artists strive for.” (Emily Nathan: “Don't understand me too quickly”. Interview with David Salle for Artnet Magazine)


Konditionsrapport ved forespørgsel.


Bemærk: Emnet er omfattet af Hvidvaskloven. Ved hammerslag på 50.000 kr. eller mere inklusivt salær skal køber aflevere kopi af gyldigt billede-id og adresselegitimation for at få udleveret emnet.


Malerier og skulpturer, 6. juni 2017


150.000–200.000 DKK



330.000 DKK