
Ole Wanscher, a.o. (b. Frederiksberg 1903, d. Charlottenlund 1985)

12 books on the history of furniture, furnishing and decoration. (12)


1. Ole Wanscher: “Møbelkunsten”, studies in the Aesthetics and History of Furniture Types. Thaning and Appel 1955, 538 pages.

2. Ole Wanscher: “Møbelkunsten”, in selected copies, hft. Special edition of the Architect 1928, Arnold Busk, 44 pages.

3. Ole Haslund, Edward C.J. Wolfog H.O. Bøggild-Andersen: “International Møbelhaandbog” vol 1. Hassing 1971. 336 pages. (Sold through Århus Municipality Libraries)

4. Ole Haslund, Edward C.J. Wolfog H.O. Bøggild-Andersen: “International Møbelhaandbog” vol 2. Hassing 1971. 352 pages. (Sold through Århus Municipality Libraries).

5. Frederik Poulsen: “Møbelkunstens Historie”. Gyldendal 1918, 104 pages.

6. Frances Beckett & Chr. Axel Jensen: "Gammel Dansk Kunst, bygninger og håndværk. Hassings Forlag 1921, 194 pages.

7. G.M. Ellwood: Möbel und Raumkunst in England 1680–1800". Verlag von Julius Hoffmann, 204 pages.

8. Alexander Koch[red]. Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, band II, April-September 1898, 268 pages.

9. Alexander Koch[red]. Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, band III, Oktober 1898-März 1899, 304 pages.

10. “The Carving Trade”. hft. 32 pages.

11. “Die BildHauerei”. hft, 32 pages.

12. S. Fritz: “Hængeskabe og Stole” i Odder Museum 1964, 96 pages.


Ordinary wear of use. Of which two books were previously library books.

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