
Lynn Chadwick (f. London 1914, d. Lypiatt Park 2003)

“Two reclining figures”, 1976. Sign. monogram stempel 76 (739), 3/8. Bronze. H. 11,5. L. 29. (2)

Litteratur: Dennis Farr & Eva Chadwick: “Lynn Chadwick Sculptor”, London, 1990, nr. 739. Udstillet: Court Gallery, København, 1978. Erhvervet her af den nuværende ejers familie.

“For whatever reasons (...) Chadwick's sculptures in the 1970s no longer expressed fear or evoked anxiety. Instead they are characterised by wit and invention, qualities which clearly delight both the artist and his audience. Though still created out of generalised abstract forms, each figure reflects a personalised attitude which is the product of close observation. (...) Throughout his career certain themes and motives recur, rooting his work in the dominant sculptural tradition which takes man as the measure of all things. 'I look upon an artist as a person who is in contact with humanity generally and is able to act as a sort of connecting link to express to them how they are' he says” (Paul Levine: “Lynn Chadwick - The Artist and his Work”, Holland 1988, p.p. 93–104).

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Malerier og skulpturer, 6. juni 2017


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