
Unknown artist

Composition. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 130×150 cm. Unframed.

This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority.

This item is subject to full VAT

The canvas needs tightening. Surface dirt.

Condition report available on request.

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Additional Remarks

Please note: The item is subject to the Anti-Money Laundering Act. In the event of a hammer price of DKK 50,000 or more, including buyer’s premium, the buyer must submit a copy of a valid photo ID and proof of address in order to collect the item.

Starting in Lyngby
Bidding Deadline


1,000–2,000 DKK

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Your max bid

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29 bids

When Bidder Bid
1134532 1,550 DKK
1018610 (Auto bid) 1,500 DKK
1134532 1,450 DKK
1018610 (Auto bid) 650 DKK
867090 600 DKK
1018610 (Auto bid) 550 DKK
323239 500 DKK
1018610 (Auto bid) 420 DKK
323239 400 DKK
1018610 320 DKK
323239 (Auto bid) 300 DKK
1018610 300 DKK
323239 (Auto bid) 290 DKK
919810 280 DKK
323239 (Auto bid) 270 DKK
800497 260 DKK
323239 (Auto bid) 250 DKK
100483 240 DKK
323239 (Auto bid) 230 DKK
1134532 220 DKK
323239 210 DKK
877189 (Auto bid) 200 DKK
323239 195 DKK
877189 (Auto bid) 125 DKK
991257 120 DKK
877189 (Auto bid) 115 DKK
991257 110 DKK
877189 105 DKK
961380 100 DKK