
Johannes S. Kjarval (f. Efri-Ey 1885, d. Reykjavik 1972)

Parti fra Thingvellir, Island. Sign. J. S. Kjarval 1937. Olie på lærred. 102×147.

Litteratur: “Kjarval”, Nesútgáfan Publishing, Reykjavik 2005, lignende værker gengivet side 286–310. Proveniens: Privatsamling, Island.

“In the 1930s Kjarval gradually gives the foreground increasing importance, he narrows his perspective and ultimately the lava field separates out from the mountain to become a subject in its own right. This opens up new dimensions in his landscapes and he paints numerous studies focused on lava and moss. These works reveal the richness of form, texture and hue inherent in the lava; the delicate plant-life thriving there and the subtle hues of earth colours that he discovered in this unique biosphere are almost unparalleled. He also brings out the contrasts of rough lava and soft moss, and shows how the moss, in its countles hues, softens the face of the lava” (“Kjarval”, Nesútgáfan Publishing, Reykjavik 2005, s. 282–283).

Dette emne er belagt med kunstnerafgift.

Konditionsrapport ved forespørgsel. Kontakt: modernart@bruun-rasmussen.dk


Bemærk: Emnet er omfattet af Hvidvaskloven. Ved hammerslag på 50.000 kr. eller mere inklusivt salær skal køber aflevere kopi af gyldigt billede-id og adresselegitimation for at få udleveret emnet.


Malerier og skulpturer, 22. september 2020


125.000–150.000 DKK



135.000 DKK