
Fransk kaminur af forgyldt bronze, antageligt lavet til det tyrkiske markede, urhus med skive af hvid emalje, båret af hest prydet med similisten. Sign. Rével a Paris. 19. årh.s begyndelse. H. 58. B. 31. D. 14.

Joseph Revel is recorded in Tardy as working at La Fidelite in 1774 and in 1775, when he moved to Vieille rue du Temple, he acquired the title of Master. From 1775 to 1783 he was at the Palais Royale and from 1787 to 1790 at the Galerie de Valois. In 1800 he was at the Galerie de Pierre du Palais Egalite and the last record of him is at the Palais Tribunat, from 1804–1806. A beautifully enamelled striking watch by him is in the Musee des Beaux-Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris in Petit Palais.

This clock by Joseph Revel is typical of the kind of elaborate exotic time-piece made in Paris for export to the East in the late 18th century and early 19th century. Turkey, China and India were the principal destinations for these clocks.


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Russisk kunst og antikviteter, 27. november 2013


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45.000 DKK