
H. A. Brendekilde (b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942)

“Skærvehuggere ved stranden. Stevns”. A little girl helps collecting stones, in the backgrpound two children with straw hats, hand in hand. Signed H. A. Brendekilde 85. 73 cm x 103 cm. Provenance: Winkel & Magnussen auction 340, 1947 nr- 26. Dep. page 41. H. A. Brendekilde and his peer L. A. Ring were part of the small circle of Danish painters, who were inspired by the French Rural realism. Especially Millet and Bastian-Lepage can be mentioned as their role models. Especially in the 1880ies Brendekilde painted in this genre. The most famous is probably “Udslidt” from 1889, presently at Fyns Kunstmuseum. In the present painting the poor stone collectors are shown working hard, with their little daughter. In the background “the rich” summer resident children are implied, wearing straw hats to shield them from the sun.

Proveniens: Winkel & Magnussen auktion 340, 1947 nr. 26. Afb. side 41.H. A. Brendekilde og hans samtidige L. A. Ring hørte til den lille kreds af danske malere, der lod sig inspirere af den franske bonderealisme. Her kan nævnes Millet og Bastian-Lepage som franske forbilleder. Især i 1880erne udførte Brendekilde malerier inden for denne genre. Mest kendt er nok “Udslidt” fra 1889, der i dag hænger på Fyns Kunstmuseum. I nærværende maleri ses de fattige stensamlere med deres lille datter på hårdt arbejde. I baggrunden antydes “de rige” landliggerbørn i det fine sommertøj iført stråhatte som værn mod solen. Afbildet

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Please note: The item is subject to the Anti-Money Laundering Act. In the event of a hammer price of DKK 50,000 or more, including buyer’s premium, the buyer must submit a copy of a valid photo ID and proof of address in order to collect the item.


Selected Paintings and Golden Age Paintings, 4 December 2000


250,000–300,000 DKK

Price realised

Not sold