Five French silver winetasters, of round form with handle, one bottom engraved with person motif, one bottom cast with religious motif, three handles engraved with resp. Amor and text “Je Vous Le Presente”, Bacchus and text “Vive Bacu” plus a winegrower with text “A Mon Reste”, five engraved on sides resp. “F. Jullien”, “P. Rebovl”, “I. Movliot Mr”, “Nicolas Pumont” and “Anne Martin”. Various makers and towns. 18th century. Weight 590 g. H. 2–3.5 cm. L. 11–12 cm. (5)
Provenance: From the collection of supreme court litigator Ole Gangsted-Rasmussen (1911–1998).
Minor wear due to age and use, including few marks, scratches and dents.
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