
Gustav Wied

Hand-carved wooden knife. 23.5 cm. With Gustav Wieds orig. inscription: “Min Tugthuskniv”. [1892]. + Autograph and signed postcard (portrait) for Wied’s son, Johan: “Min kære Søn Johan/ alt hvad af godt, der batter/ det haaber jeg, Du faar/ udi det nye Aar!/ Din Fatter.” Dated 23.2.1908. + Collection of 13 vols. (incl. Wieds bible) mostly by Wied. Several inscribed by the author. (15)


Books and manuscripts, 6 October 2020


3,000–5,000 DKK


Price realised

4,400 DKK  

23 bids

When Bidder Bid
(Auto bid) 4,400 DKK
4,200 DKK
(Auto bid) 4,000 DKK
3,800 DKK
(Auto bid) 3,600 DKK
3,400 DKK
(Auto bid) 3,200 DKK
3,000 DKK
2,400 DKK
(Auto bid) 2,300 DKK
2,200 DKK
(Auto bid) 2,100 DKK
2,000 DKK
(Auto bid) 1,950 DKK
1,900 DKK
(Auto bid) 1,850 DKK
1,800 DKK
1,750 DKK
1,700 DKK
1,650 DKK
1,600 DKK
1,550 DKK
1,500 DKK