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Gary Kuehn (f. Plainfield, New Jersey 1939)

Ti kompositioner, slutningen af 1960erne. Usign. Tusch/lak på papir monteret på lærred. Uindrammede. Hver 51×38 samt to ruller med: 16 tusch på papir, usign. Hver 50×66; to tusch, usign. Hver 51×38; 1 tusch på pergament, usign. 50×66; 14 tusch på pergament, usign. Hver 47×61. I original trækasse. (43)

Proveniens: Privatsamling, Sverige.

“I think that it’s important for any artist to have a working method that can be applied to the cultural moment. Almost all of my work is dialectical; positing something, selecting something, then turning around and looking for its opposite or antithesis and then letting the energy of the work come from the play between the two. I would say that I’m playing both sides. I set the trap and then fall into it and there is nothing else to do but follow the rules.”

“You know, you're not as free as you think you are”, interview med Gary Kuehn af Cindy Hinant, Provincetown Arts, 2018, s. 79.


Konditionsrapport ved forespørgsel. Kontakt:


Bemærk: Emnet er omfattet af Hvidvaskloven. Ved hammerslag på 50.000 kr. eller mere inklusivt salær skal køber aflevere kopi af gyldigt billede-id og adresselegitimation for at få udleveret emnet.


Malerier og skulpturer, 24. september 2019


50.000 DKK



190.000 DKK