
Per Kirkeby (f. København 1938, d. sst. 2018)

Uden titel. Sign. P. Kirkeby -75. Akvarel på japanpapir. Bladstørrelse 21×16.

Per Kirkeby (1938–2018) is one of Denmark's most influential and versatile artists, mastering a wide range of expressions throughout his career, including painting, sculpture, and graphics. A crucial part of Kirkeby's artistic development took place during his time at the Experimental Art School, also known as the “Eks-skolen,” in the 1960s.

His time at Eks-skolen was marked by a liberation from conventional frameworks, where he began exploring new artistic paths that would later define his work.

At Eks-skolen, Kirkeby developed his distinctive style, combining abstraction with references to nature, geology, and archaeology. His interest in natural sciences, which he had studied before his artistic career, became a central element of his artistic universe. During this period, he started working with structures and forms resembling geological layers and landscapes, a recurring theme in his paintings and sculptures.

Though Kirkeby later evolved in a more independent direction, the spirit of experimentation and collectivity from Eks-skolen remained an important part of his artistic legacy.

Per Kirkeby's engagement with Eks-skolen marked the beginning of a remarkable career, establishing him as one of Denmark's most respected artists, both nationally and internationally.

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Moderne kunst og design, 3. september 2024


6.000–8.000 DKK



7.500 DKK  

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3.200 DKK
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