1692. Cover with royal insignia to Itzehoe. Manuscript "C5". Mounted on an exhibition page
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Next bid: Your bid:
Fine collection with prehilately covers from or till England and Denmark. Many different types of handstamps and transitmarks. All displayed on pages. 14 entire
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,500 DKK -
RATZEBURG. Line handstamp on cover from HANNOVER 25/7 1814 to Schwarzenbeck.
Estimate :
750 DKK Not sold
RATZEBURG 8/4.42. Linehandstamp on moneyorder endorsed "wallet with 130 RDL and 31 sk."
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
400 DKK -
NORWAY. 2 covers sent to Norway with one from KJØBENHAVN OPE 10/9 to Tönsberg and the other sent rec. from HAMBURG 15/1 to Frederikshald.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
Laksegl. Collection on pages with many different engravings.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
230 DKK -
Ca. 1852/1854. 2 pages with 4 entires where 3 is from Italy to Denmark and one from Denmark to Italy. Various handstamps and handwritten notations.
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
ca. 1850. Exhibition-page with interesting cover from "Comitten for den ugentlige 4 Skillings Subskribtion"
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
Ca. 1849-1853. Money order sent local in Lauenburg.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
ca, 1841-1845. MÖLLEN (linehandstamp type III) on cover sent to Ratzeburg. Very fine condition.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
Ca. 1816. Official matter sent from LAUENBOURG to Wrist. Handwritten "Cito" = In a hurry. Perfect condition.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
ca. 1808-1812. FIELDPOST ESTAFFETTE cover sent to Byfoged Lund in Skagen. Very rare
Estimate :
2,400 DKK Not sold
Stocks. 17 old documents some with fiscal stamps aatached.
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
600 DKK -
1924. Prison censorship. Cover with blue closingwafer and cancelled KOLDING-TROLDHEDE. Interesting story according page.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1922. Exhibition page with cover from Lithuania to Vejle. Boxed "INDGAAET MED MANGEL AF FRIMÆRKE" and hand written "Vejle Postkontor 24/3-25". Only known
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1913. Chr.X. 5 øre, green. Pair on cover from ODENSE 20.12.1916 to København. Red line-canc. "CENSURERET F.". Sent from the barracks in Odense
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Not sold
1906. Exhibition page with mourning cover with full contents written and sing. by Queen Louise
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
340 DKK -
1870. Official letter from København to Hamburg. Manuscript "K.D.S" and numeral 1 in upper right corner. Very unusual cover
Estimate :
500 DKK Not sold
1865-1871. Telegram from København to Hirtshal. Sent EXPRESS to Fyrmester Bjørneboe, Hirtshals Fyr". Opened for display and slightly cut. Very rare
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Not sold
1864. Preussian field post cover canc. K:PR:FELDPOST-RELAIS/FLENSBURG 1.12. Sent to Vojens
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
500 DKK -
1863. Official matter from LAUENBURG 7/3 (handstamp in blue colour) sent to Schlesvig. 6 sk. carrying fee.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1863. Parcel-letter from København to Viborg. With boxed "PAA AFSENDERENS RISIKO". Manuscript "Befalet Sag fra Justitsraad Belthersen"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1863. Small cover to Ebeltoft. Manuscript "K.T. pr. Expres"
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1859. Small official letter from København to Viborg. Manuscript "Døvstumme Instituttet vedkommende"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
320 DKK -
1858. Entire from København with handstamp HAMBURG 22 JAN 1858 to Amsterdam. Also additional 2 other entires.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1857. Cover from LENSAHN 26/6-1857 sent to Hamburg with better transitmark BAHN.LUBECK 27.6. type Antiqua Id on back alongside arrival mark.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1855. Cover from Hamburg 9 JUL 1855 sent to Arnheim, Netherland. Transitmark HAMBURG A in frame and arrival handstamp ARNHEM 10/7-1855.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1855 and 1856. 2 covers sent from Denmark with HAMBURG handstamp to Arnhaeim, Netherlands. Various markings and transitmarks.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Not sold
1854. FREDERIK VII. Royal letter with full contents dated "Skodsborg den 4.August 1854". Beautiful royal seal and the kings own signature
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1854. Cover from Bordesholm to Kiel. Hand written "BORDESH. 26/2". Scarce
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1853. Official letter from Sorø to København. Manuscript "Landstinget vedkommende"
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1852. Insured cover sent from den Kongelige Chatolkasse to Madam Rheders, Postexpediteur Enke i Løgumkloster. Rheder was in office 1844-1845
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
700 DKK -
1852. Cover from København, via Hamburg to Bordeaux. Line-canc. "NACH ABGANG DER POST"
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1851. Market report from England to Denmark with red NEWSPAPER ONE PENNY. Dated inside 29.3.1851 and and the backside NEWCASTLE ON TYNE MR 31 1851
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
1851. Cover from NYBORG 29.1.1851 to France with 1 1/2-ring canc. ONLY ONE COVER WITH THIS CANC. RECORDED FROM THE PRE-PHIL. PERIOD
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
2,300 DKK -
1851. APRIL-cover from Sønderborg to Svendborg Amt, via Nyborg. Hand written "SØNDERBORG 21/4-51" and line-canc. "SVENDBORG 23/4"
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
400 DKK -
1850. Small parcelletter from BORNHÖVED 7 JUNI to Altona. Very fine condition.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1850. Cover sent from SCHWERIN 14/10 til Kopenhagen with various transitmarks.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1850. Cover from ASSENS 4.6.1850 top Sweden. Scarce 1 1/2-ring canc. from the pre-phil. period. Excellent condition
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
2,100 DKK -
1848. Exhibition page with official cover from Ringsted to København. Hand written "No.9 RINGSTED"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1848. Exhibition page with 2 fine covers to Aarhus. Both with manuscript "PR. COUVERT"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
230 DKK -
1848-1850. 3-year war. Official cover (used twice) between Fjerritslev and Hjørring. Manuscript "Befordres uden Ophold med Sognebud"
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Not sold
1847. Cover from Hammel to København. Manyscript "Hermed en Kasse og 3 Ankere" and on the back side "N.14 Med paquet Ørsted, Michelsen"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
100 DKK -
1845. Page with interesting official letter from København to Middelfart, readdr. to Faaborg
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
200 DKK -
1845. EXPRESS-cover from Lindholdm to Selsøe 4.4.1845. Manuscript "Pr. Expresse". Scarce cover i excellent condition
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1843. Estafette cover to Selsør. Fine condition
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1843. ESTAFETTE-cover from Roskilde to Selsøe 19.2.1843. Manuscript "Pr. Estaf.". Rare cover in SUPERB condition
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Not sold
1841. Cover form Ugilt to Trinderup. manuscript "Afleveres hos Enke Madam Brendstrup som godhedsfuld ville lade det besørge pr Expresse til Tinderup"
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
800 DKK -
1840. Exhibition page with cover canc. "KIØBENHAVN EFETER INDLEVERINGSTIDEN 1838 23/9"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
155 DKK -
1840. Cover from Helsingør, via Altona and London to Aberdeen, Scotland
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1839. Cover from København to Norway with black KIØBENHAVN 20.10.1839
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
105 DKK -
1838. Old document with royal handstamps "FR. VI and "4 Skill." and cancelled RATZEBURG 18/10-38 sent to Steinhorst.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1837. Cover from København to Arendal in Norway. Manuscript "Pr. Dampskibet"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
200 DKK -
1833. Parcelletter from LAUENBOURG (black linehandstamp) sent to Hannover for a package on 5 pounds. Dated 23.8.1833. Very fine condition.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1831. Entire from Lübeck sent to Christinestadt with transit marks GRILEHAMN 29/5 1831 and K.S.N.P.C HAMBURG 8. MAI 31.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
200 DKK -
1830. Cover from Kiel with KIEL handstamp in gothic style on cover to Marienfeld bei Warendorf.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
340 DKK -
1828. Cover to Roskilde. manuscript "K.Tst. Befordres ved Wallensbæk Sognebud"
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1824 og 1832. Entire from Altona 1824 send to Rheins with transitmarks from HAMBURG RTH. TAX.O.P.A 23 APR and linehandstamp T.T.R.4 HAMBOURG and framed
Estimate :
800 DKK Not sold
1823. Entire sent from MÖLLEN (linehandstamp type I) the 12.12.1823 to Ratzeburg. Very fine condition.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
210 DKK -
1819. MÖLLEN line handstamp on entire sent to Ratzeburg. Very fine cond.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1813. Napoleon War. Military Estafette-cover from Baron bei Ploen (manuscript "Kaptajn Biehl 2.det Jydske Inf. Rgt."), addr. to "Kaptajn von Trier" in København
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Not sold
1812. Exhibition page with K.T. PROVSTETASKEBREV from Aarhus to Randers with red canc. "SIGILLUM EPISCOPI AARHUSIENSIS". Rare cover in SUPERB condition
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Not sold