1851-1875. Stockcrad with various fine issues. 4 RBS with no. cancel 98 is repaired.
Estimate :
600 DKK Next bid:
1913. Chr.X. 20 øre, blue. Pair on LOCAL REC-COVER from Vejle 12.3.1921. Very rare
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
400 DKK -
1913. Chr.X. 10 øre, red. ROLL-STAMP from an automatic franking-maschine
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
320 DKK -
1913. Wavy line. 2 øre, red. IMPERFORATED. MNH
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
600 DKK -
1912. Overprint. 35/20 øre, red/grey, inverted frame. Fine used copy. Cert. Nielsen
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
1,250 DKK -
1912-1915. Post Office, 5 kr. red. Wm. III+IV. 2 copies with variety "KJØBFNHAVN"
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
1,550 DKK -
1907. Fr. VIII, 10 øre, red. 6 copies with varieties.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
460 DKK -
1907. Fr. VIII, 5 øre, green, variety "DOT IN RIGHT 5". Used condition.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
460 DKK -
1907. Fr. VIII, 5 øre, green, variety "RETOUCH ABOVE KINGS GHEAD". Scarce copy. Used condition.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
1,200 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre brown. Pos. 15 "Spear in head" and pos. 54-55 pair with various small lines in design.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
480 DKK -
1907. Fr.VIII, 5 øre, green. Pair with variety "White spot". Rare. Cert. Møller
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
2,500 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre, sepiabrown. Pos. 53, 91 and 92. 3 copies with identified positions.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
550 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre sepiabrun. Pos. 42, 75 and unknown. 3 copies with varieties in the design . 2 copies with found positions.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
480 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre sepiabrun. Pos. 32, 40 and unknown. 3 copies with "lines in right value circle"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
480 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre sepiabrun. Pos. 21-22, 26 and unknown. Copies with found varieties at the top of the stamp.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
550 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre, sepiabrown. 2 copies with varieties
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
200 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre, sepiabrown, variety "METEOR SHOWER". Fine used copy.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
380 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre sepiabrun, pos. 93 "LINE IN LEFT 5". Fine copy, used.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
460 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre sepiabrun, pos. 56 "LINE IN EAST MARGIN". Very fine used copy.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
550 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre, sepiabrown, pos. 38, 41 and 46. 3 fine used copies with varieties.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
650 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 25 øre sepiabrun, pos. 23 "LINE IN FOREHEAD and IN LEFT 25 and IN FRONT OF NOSE. Used copy.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1904. Chr. IX, 10 øre, red Stockcard with various issues with determinated positions.
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
2,300 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 5 øre, variety "DOT BEHIND EYE". Fine copy, used.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1905. Chr. IX, 5 øre, green, pos. 44 "DOTS IN N". Used copy.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK