Single stamps, sheets, letters, postcards, stamp money and similar items.
Stamps, Covers & Postal History
1819. MÖLLEN line handstamp on entire sent to Ratzeburg. Very fine cond.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1813. Napoleon War. Military Estafette-cover from Baron bei Ploen (manuscript "Kaptajn Biehl 2.det Jydske Inf. Rgt."), addr. to "Kaptajn von Trier" in København
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Not sold
1812. Exhibition page with K.T. PROVSTETASKEBREV from Aarhus to Randers with red canc. "SIGILLUM EPISCOPI AARHUSIENSIS". Rare cover in SUPERB condition
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Not sold
1812. Napoleon War. Military Estafette Cover from Rendsburg to København. Manuscript "Pr. F.P. Estf.". Very rare and beautiful. DAKA +12.000
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Not sold
1809. Fieldpost Estafetter cover (Napoleon war) sent to Skagen. Manuscript "K.T. fra Amtm. Blom P. FP. ESTF." Very rare cover in SUPERB condition. DAKA +12.000
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Not sold
1808. Entire from Denmark to Paris with handstamp DANEMARCK PAR HAMBURG and handstamp SEPTEMBRE 16 1808 in red colour.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
220 DKK -
1807. Entire from BILBAO VIZCAIA (red handstamp) to Copenhagen. On front black handstamp ESPAGNE PAR BOYONNE and on back transitmark HAMBOURG R. 4 B.G.D.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
380 DKK -
1807 and 1815. 2 entires on page with different Hambourg handstamps. Top letter R4HAMBURG and bottom HAMBOURG R.4, both sent to France.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1802. Small cover from Hamburg to Bordeaux. Line-canc. R.4. Hamburg (type 1b). Very rare canc. only used for 5 weeks
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1802. 3 covers showing different postage in ink because of distance. All sent from HAMBOURG (linihandstamp) to different towns in France.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1797. Cover to Ebeltoft with manuscript "Kongl. Tjeneste"
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1769. Cover to Skagen with royal insignie "7timus" and interesting notation on the backside
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Not sold
1766. CHRISTION VII. Royal document dated "Königen Residens Christiansburg in Copenhagen den 4den November 1766" with the kings own signature
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
1,450 DKK -
1758. Cover with royal insignia, sent to Skagen. Manuscript "F5tus". Very decorative
Estimate :
800 DKK Not sold
1758 og 1860. 2 entires from "det Kongelige Fattigbørns Opfostringshus" in Christianshavn (Founded 29/6-1753). Both with Royal Insignia "Ftus" and "F5tus".
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
650 DKK -
Post-markers. 3 original old "hand-rolling-markers". 2 with bridge-canc. "ÅRHUS C." and "MIDTJYLLAND POSTCENTER" and one "ANNULLERET".
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1750. Entire dated KØBENHAVN 3.11.1750 to Ghent. Dansih postage 11 Lybske sk. Handwritten "F.Amstd" and handstamp HOLLANDE. Postage due 6 Stuvier.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
440 DKK -
1735. Militarymatter from Ratzeburg 27/9-1735 sent to Ottesburg with various notations.
Estimate :
800 DKK Not sold
1725. Most beautiful and decorative cover from København to Itzehoe
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Not sold
Post-marker. Original, unusual and rare date-marker from HORNSLET. Ex. Toke Nørby
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1719. Exhibition-page with cover from København to Husum. On the back side manuscript "Von Copenhagen 2-"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
320 DKK -
1705. Cover to Itzehoe with royal insignie "F4" in lower left corner. Excellent condition
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Not sold
1693. Cover with royal insignie "C5", sent from Schleswig to Itzehoe 2.april 1693. SUPERB condition. Very rare
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
Shipsstocks. 3 from ØERNES DAMPSKIBSSELSKAB on 100, 500 and 1000 kr.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
700 DKK -
Perfin. J.M. Very fine upfranked REC-stationarycard with in all 38 øre from KJØBENHAVN 21/9 to Berlin.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
320 DKK -
Perfin. "D.K." (Dansk Konservesfabrik) D.50 on 2 øre, red. Rare
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
Cinderellas. Rudolf Kronmann og Co. Frimærkeforretning. Unusual collection on 3 pages.
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
420 DKK -
COPPER-PLATE. Heavy copper-plate with motif of 4 RBS (15x21 cm), mounted in a wodden frame (20x26 cm.). Most beautiful
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
320 DKK -
COPPER-PLATE. Heavy copper-plate with motif of 2 RBS (15x21 cm), mounted in a wodden frame (20x26 cm.). Most beautiful
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
360 DKK -
Frimærkepenge. Stockcard with various issues.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
Christmas seals. Box with "christmas signs" between 1907-2010 and christmas bags 1989-1992.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
Christmas-seals. 1904-2015. Most interesting coll. with perf. and imperf. issues, proofs, scala-prints, covers and cards etc. etc. Must be inspected
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,950 DKK -
Christmas seals. 11 copies with very fine cancellations.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
AALBORG. 26 cards with local chrismas seal between the years 1931-1989. Some used 24/12
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
200 DKK -
1984. Mis-perforated sheet. 2 vertical rows missing horiz. perf. and vertical perf. on the left. side. Nevwer seen before. Unfolded
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
340 DKK -
1959. Heavily MISPERFORATED sheet
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
220 DKK -
1923. Imperforated PROOF in a compl. sheet with 25 stamps. Incl. pos. 2 with variety "THORSH..VN". Unfolded and excellent MNH condition
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1914. 7 different essays.
Estimate :
750 DKK Price realised:
1,050 DKK -
1912. 10 different imperf. essays.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
200 DKK -
1910. 6 different imperf. essays.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
380 DKK -
1882. 6 øre, stationary card upfranked with in all 22 øre incl. 2 ex. AFA 32 and used as Parcel sent from RANDERS 14.5.1882 to Cph. Scarce.
Estimate :
4,000 DKK Price realised:
2,900 DKK -
1908. Full sheet, fine appearance. Folded and reinforced with hinges some places
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
3,200 DKK -
1907. Full sheet, unfolded sheet with fine appearance, reinforced with hinges a few places
Estimate :
4,000 DKK Price realised:
3,600 DKK -
1871. Official. PROODF. No value, yellowbrown. Fine copy. Small thin at top.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
800 DKK -
1904. Page with 7 essays.
Estimate :
750 DKK Price realised:
950 DKK -
1904. 2 imperforated proofs (without portrait) in blue-purple and black colour
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
200 DKK -
Denmark. 2 fine upfranked stationary cards sent to Germany with 20 øre in all (1889) and 10 øre in all (1875)
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1875. Stationery 10 øre, green. Sent from København 16.11.1875 to Stockholm. Scarce
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
340 DKK -
1886. PROOF. 48 sk. printed on very thin paper. Pair with frame printed on backside and shown inverted through the paper. Opinion LN.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
500 DKK -
1886. PROOF. 48 sk. and 4 sk. 6 ovals in black colour.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1882. Reprint of essay. 48 sk. blue. Pair with 2 types in the scarce blue colour.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1875. Proof, 100 øre, grey/lemon-yellow, inv.frame. CLEAR AND ESTINCT FRAME PRINT. Very rare. AFA 15.000. Ex. Lasse Nielsen
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
4,800 DKK -
1875. Proof, 12 øre, grey/olive-yellow. Wm.II. Ex. Lasse Nielsen
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
1,650 DKK -
1874. PROOF, 4 øre, carmine/orange. Fine copy with a 4 sk. to accompany with same frameprint.
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
400 DKK -
1870. IMPERF. 3 diff. values. 16 sk. with repair.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
500 DKK -
1870. PROOF, 48 sk. grey/mauve. Very fine copy cancelled KJØBENHAVN K.B. 31.1. Rare.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
1,250 DKK -
1871. PROOF. 4 sk. red/ultramrine. Copy with part of handwritten signature. Opinion LN.
Estimate :
800 DKK Not sold
1870. PROOF, 48 sk. grey/blue. Very fine copy cancelled with number 1. RARE.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
1,150 DKK -
1870. PROOF, 48 sk. grey/green. Very fine copy cancelled with number 1 and with upper sheetmargin. Rare
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
700 DKK -
1871. PROOF. 4 sk. red/ultramrine, inv. frame. Unused copy with some small thins. Opinion LN.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1871. PROOF, 4 sk. blue/grey. Copy with thin at backside. Cert. LN.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1870. PROOF, 3 sk. grey/lillac. Copy cancelled GIENTOFTE 30/9. Small thin at watermark. Scarce.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
700 DKK