Artwork, decorative art and everyday objects from Asia, such as China, Japan and Thailand.
Asian decorative art
A pair of beige/greyish glazed pottery jars and covers. Tang dynasty. H. 19.5 cm. (2)
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Next bid: Your bid:
Three Chinese Dehua ware figurines in shape of lions. Qing. 19th cnetury. H. 8-11.5 cm. (3)
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
9,000 DKK -
A late 19th century Chinese red lacquered wooden wash basin and ladle. Basin H. 17. Diam. 55 cm. (2)
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
A selection of Asian pottery bowls. Song (950-1279) and later. H. 5-7. Diam. 13-15 cm. (5)
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
8,500 DKK -
Two Chinese enamelled porcelain dishes, late Qing/Republic. Diam. 30 and 33 cm. (2)
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
10,500 DKK -
A Chinese blue and white moon flask vase mounted as a lamp. Late Qing/Republic. H. excl. the mounts 38 cm.
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Price realised:
11,000 DKK -
A Chinese Canton enamel tray marked Qianlong but late 19th century. 23 x 34 cm.
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
2,100 DKK -
A Chinese porcelain foursided vase, powderblue and gold. Qing, 19th century. H. 17 cm.
Estimate :
4,000 DKK Price realised:
2,600 DKK -
A large Chinese blue and white baluster jar and cover painted with a mountainous scenery. LQing c. 1900. H. 58 cm.
Estimate :
8,000–10,000 DKK Price realised:
12,500 DKK -
A Chinese blue and white jar and cover painted with dragons, Kangxi four-character mark but c. 1900. H. 28 cm.
Estimate :
6,000 DKK Price realised:
16,000 DKK -
Four Chinese lotus pattern enamelled dishes of octogonal form. Qing 18th century . Diam. 22 cm. (4)
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
4,600 DKK -
A Chinese Dehua ware vase, Rolwagen. Late Qing/20th century. 25 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
3,200 DKK -
A Chinese hexagonal porcelain hatstand. Now mounted as a table lamp. C. 1900. H. excl. the mounting 27 cm.
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
4,200 DKK -
A wood model of a Chinese junke, first half 20th century. L. 100 cm.
Estimate :
4,000 DKK Price realised:
1,200 DKK -
A Chinese export porcelain armorial dish. Qianlong 1736-1795. Diam. 39 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
2,100 DKK -
A Chinese baluster porcelain jar, decorated in colours with ladies. Now mounted as a tablelamp. C. 1900. H. 34 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
550 DKK -
A selection of Chinese porcelain, decorated in enamel colours. 18th-19th century. Diam. 6.5-23 cm. (6)
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
2,600 DKK -
Two Sawankhalok style stoneware bowls, decorated with stylized ornamentation. Diam. 28 and 29 cm. (2)
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
2,100 DKK -
Set of 10 Chinese export armorial dishes with British East India Company seal. Qing 18th/19th century. (10)
Estimate :
8,000 DKK Price realised:
44,000 DKK -
A Thai Ayutthaya sandstone head of Buddha. 17th-18th century. On base. H. 28 cm. With stand 40 cm.
Estimate :
4,000 DKK Price realised:
3,400 DKK -
Three Chinese blue and white export porcelain tureens and two dishes. 18th-19th century. L. dishes 37 and 39 cm, H. tureens 20-23 cm. (5)
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
9,500 DKK -
A Chinese enamelled porcelain hatstand, late Qing. Mounted as a lamp. H. excl. the mounts 28.5 cm.
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
2,300 DKK -
A 19th century Chinese carved and partly gilded wooden ancestral tablet. H. 41 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
A Thai patinated bronze head of Buddha, raised on a wooden base. 19th-20th century. H. incl. the base 33 cm.
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,500 DKK -
A three strand Berber necklace with pieces of polished copal amber. 20th century. L. app. 52 cm.
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Not sold
Two Chinese porcelain hatstands. Now mounted as table lamps. 19th century. H. 27 and 27.5 cm. (2)
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,500 DKK -
A selection of Japanese and Chinese porcelain. 20th century. Square dish H. 5.5. L. 26. W. 26 cm. (7)
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,050 DKK -
A Chinese enamelled porcelain vase of cylindrical form, Guangxu. H. 28 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
500 DKK -
A Thai 19th century gilt and painted bronze buddha. H. 33 cm.
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
7,000 DKK -
Two Chinese enamelled porcelain vases of cylindrical form. Late Qing/Republic. Moubnted as lamps. (2)
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,550 DKK -
A Chinese enamelled porcelain vase with handles moulded like masks with fixed rings, 20th century. Mounted as a lamp. H. excl. the mounts 27 cm
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
650 DKK -
A Chinese enamelled porcelain baluster vase, base with Qianlong seal mark, 20th century. Mounted as a lamp. H. excl. the mounts 30 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
400 DKK -
Dai Tingzhen: The Daoist Immortal Magu. Gouache on silk. Framed. Visible size 109 x 54 cm.
Estimate :
6,000 DKK Price realised:
4,600 DKK -
A Chinese patinated bronze bombé censer with gold splash. Marked Xuande, but 20th century. Diam. 14.5 cm.
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
11,500 DKK -
A Tibetan thangka with Mahakala. Distemper on canvas. 20th century. Image 91 x 138 cm.
Estimate :
2,500 DKK Price realised:
1,200 DKK -
A pair of Chinese porcelain hatstands, qianjiang. Late Qing/Republic. H. 26 cm. (2)
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
8,000 DKK -
A Chinese porcelain "Zhadou" decorated in enamel colours with floral design and bats. 19th-20th century. H. 16.5.
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
3,200 DKK -
Two Chinese Qing late 19th century porcelain hatstands. (2)
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Price realised:
32,000 DKK -
A Chinese famille verte 'lady and child' dish, Kangxi. Diam. 35 cm.
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Price realised:
85,000 DKK -
A Large Thai buddha head of gilt and lacquered hardwood. Mounted on stand. 20th century. H. H. c. 92 cm.
Estimate :
4,000 DKK Price realised:
3,200 DKK -
Two Chinese glass snuff bottles. The one marked Qianlong. 20th century. H. 8 cm. (2)
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
3,800 DKK -
A Chinese scroll with birds on branches. Republic 1920-40s. Image 147 x 38 cm.
Estimate :
4,000 DKK Price realised:
2,000 DKK -
A Chinese black mirror porcelain rouleau vase, decorated in gold with landscapes. Qing. 19th century. H. 46 cm.
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
15,500 DKK -
A Chinese porcelain 'bats and clouds' bowl, base marked Guangxu six-character mark and of the period. Diam. 24 cm.
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Price realised:
5,500 DKK -
A Chinese hu vase decorated in blue and copper-red. Qianlong. Now mounted as a lamp. H. excl. the mounts 33.5 cm.
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Price realised:
32,000 DKK -
A Chinese bronze figure of the Immortal Lü Dongbin, Ming dynasty 1368-1644. Weight 591 g. H. 19 cm.
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
10,500 DKK -
A Chinese cast bronze figure of a Buddhist acolyte. Ming dynasty 1368-1644. Weight 551 g. H. 18 cm.
Estimate :
6,000 DKK Price realised:
4,200 DKK -
A cast bronze figure of Kuixing, Ming dynasty 1368-1644. Weight 587 g. H. 19.5 cm.
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
11,500 DKK -
A Chinese cloisonné enamel vase, richly decorated with dragons chasing the flaming pearl. Early 20th century. H. 28 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,750 DKK -
A Chinese porcelain dish, decorated in enamel colours with a procession of children. 19th-20th century. Diam. 30 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
5,500 DKK -
A Chinese bronze figure possibly depicting Xiwangmu seated on a throne. Ming 1368-1644. H. 38 cm.
Estimate :
8,000–10,000 DKK Not sold
Four Chinese late Qing bronze locks. (4)
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Not sold
Two Chinese picture fragments with mountainous landscape. Framed. C. 19th century. Image 27 x19,5 cm. og 24 x 19 cm. (2)
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
850 DKK -
Two Chinese enamelled porcelain vases of cylindrical form, Republic. Mounted as lamps. H. excl. the mouints approx. 28 cm. (2)
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
A Chinese blue and white meiping vase, late Ming/early Qing 17th century. H. 22.5 cm.
Estimate :
6,000–8,000 DKK Price realised:
5,500 DKK -
A Chinese Swatow bowl decorated in underglaze blue, iron-red and green. Late Ming 17th century. Diam. 20 cm.
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
1,550 DKK -
A pair of Chinese famille verte jars, Qing late 19th century. H. 12 cm. (2)
Estimate :
3,000–4,000 DKK Price realised:
4,200 DKK -
A Chinese blue and white 'prunus on breaking ice' bowl, marked Kangxi but late 19th century. Diam. 18 cm.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,550 DKK -
A large Chinese blue and white jar and cover, Guangxu circa 1900. H. 60 cm.
Estimate :
4,000–6,000 DKK Price realised:
2,200 DKK -
Koson Ohara: A falcon. Seal marked. Woodblock print. 28 x 10 cm. Framed.
Estimate :
2,000–3,000 DKK Price realised:
1,050 DKK -
A Chinese export blue and white tureen and a small dish. Circa 1800. (2)
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
2,500 DKK -
Roman tear glass, necklace with Egyptian pearls, scarab on pin a.o. 1000-700 B.C. Tear glass H. 10.5 cm. (7)
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
4,600 DKK