1875. 5 øre. Page from coll. with 11 stamps.
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
850 DKK -
1875. 5 øre, 3. pr. PERFECT used copy "KJØBENHAVN KB 2/12".
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
2,100 DKK -
1875. 5 øre, 1. pr. PERFECT used copy "KJØBENHAVN KB 28/6".
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
2,100 DKK -
1875. 4 øre. 3 pages with various isues incl. stripes and an uprated stationary 6 øre card from VENDSYSSEL 26/11 to HAMBURG 30/11-82
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
7,500 DKK -
1875. 4 øre, pr. 65. 2 copies on very fine HANDDECORATED cover from Svendborg to Nakskov. Cert. Lasse Nielsen.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Not sold
1871. 8 sk. Very fine used "AARHUS 9.8" Signed Carl M. Lange.
Estimate :
750 DKK Not sold
1870. 4 sk. 13.print. HEAVILY MISPERFORATED. very rare. Opinion Nielsen and cert. Møller
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
420 DKK -
1870. 2 sk. grey/blue. Line-perforated 12 1/2. Beautiful, centric, used copy. Cert. Møller AIEP
Estimate :
10,000 DKK Not sold
1870. 2 sk. grey/blue. Line-perforated 12 1/2. Fine used copy with nice perforation. Crease in NE-corner perf. AFA 30.000
Estimate :
6,000 DKK Price realised:
3,000 DKK -
1870. 2 sk. and 4 sk. on excellent cover from aarhus to Hamburg. Cert. Kaiser
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
440 DKK -
1871. 2 sk. 9.print, pos. A18 with INVERTED FRAME. Fine used copy. Cert. Nielsen
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1871. 2 sk. 3b.print. Pos. B91. MISPEWRFORATED stamp with lower sheet margin. MNH. Opibnion Nielsen
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
340 DKK -
1870. 4 sk. and 8 sk. All in all 12 skilling on rec. cover from FREDERICIA 20.5 to Middelfart.
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
400 DKK -
1864. 5 photos of whole sheets 2 sk, 2 diff. 3 sk, 8 sk. and 16 sk.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
100 DKK -
1864. 8 sk. IMPERF. variety "BREAK AT SV CORNER". MNH copy with upper marginal. Cert. CAM.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
4,000 DKK -
1864. 8 sk. Yellow brown, (1870) line perforated. Excellent copy. Cert. Nielsen
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
700 DKK -
1864. 8 sk. Yellow brown, (1870) line perforated. SUPERB centric copy with nearly invisible hinge mark. Cert. Møller
Estimate :
1,200 DKK Price realised:
2,200 DKK -
1864. 4 sk. 10b.print, pos. B65-B66/B75-B76. IMPERF. PROOF from 1869 in **/* block of 4 with bottom 2 in MNH cond. Cert. LN. AFA Special P13g: 8.000+
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
1864. 4 sk. 7.print and 8 sk. 1.print. Cover from København 9.1.1869 to Arendal, Norway. Numeral 1 and oval-canc. 10.1. ALL CANC. IN BLUE COLOUR
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Not sold
1864. 4 sk. 1.print, carmine. Well placed lux-canc. 70
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
320 DKK -
1864. 3 sk. 1.print, pos. 19-20. Perfect MNH pair
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1864. 3 sk. 1.print. Pair on cover to Schleswig. Opinion Møller
Estimate :
800 DKK Not sold
1864. 2 sk. 4.print. Perfect MNH copy. Cert. Nielsen EXCELLENT COPY
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1864. 2 sk. 5.print and 4 sk. 10b.print in a strip of 3 (pos. B32-34). Very fine cover to London. Cert. Nielsen
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
600 DKK -
1864. 2 sk. blue, (1870) line-perforated 12 1/2. Upright numeal 51. Cert. Nielsen
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
440 DKK -
1864. 2 sk. blue, (1870) line-perforated 12 1/2. Perfect MNH copy
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
1864. 2-16 sk. LINIE PERF. Complet used set. Cert. Møller
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
2,500 DKK -
1863. 16 sk. rose lilac. Very fine used copy.
Estimate :
800 DKK Price realised:
420 DKK -
1863. 16 sk. rose lilac. Beautiful used copy. Cert. Grønlund
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
1,050 DKK -
1863. 4 sk. Brown. Very fine used 86 "LECK"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
320 DKK -
1858. 4 sk. brown. Wonderful collection on 9 pages with issues sorted in prints and various cancellations. Stamps in an extraordinary condition.
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
2,100 DKK -
1863. 4 sk. Brown. Very fine used 122 "LÜTJENBURG" and perfct perforations.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
340 DKK -
1862. 4 sk. Brown. Single on cover cancelled 77 with sidehandstamp in clear BLUE colour "VIBORG 22/9-1862". Very beautiful cover.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1862. 4 sk. Brown. Very fine used copy with HUGE margins.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1858. 8 sk. green. Fine unused copy with original gum. Cert. Møller
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
800 DKK -
1858. 4 sk. brown. Scrace INK used copy on cover from Systofte 25. Jan. 1863 to Sundby
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Not sold
1858. 4 sk. brown, privat perf. 9 1/2. Very fine copy used 127 "OLDENBURG".
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1858. 4 sk. 4.print. Beautiful copy with FULL SHEET MARGIN. Numeral 138 (Bornhöved). Cert. Nielsen
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
600 DKK -
1858. 4 sk. brown, pl. III, pos. 20 "DIAGONAL LINE". Very fine lightly used copy.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1858. 4 sk. brown. Lot with 3 covers from Odense with numeral 51 and side canc. in BLUE COLOUR. Excellent condition. Ex. Borch Jensen
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1858. 4 sk. brown. Strip of 3 on LOCAL 3.RATE cover in Hjørring
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Not sold
1858. 4 sk. brown. Very fine copy with HUGE margins all sides cancelled with very fine numeral cancel 118 "HEILIGENHAFEN".
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1858. 4 sk. brown, 3. pr. Single on very fine cover cancelled 26 "HJØRING 14/1-1861".
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1858. 4 sk. brown, 3. pr. Single on cover cancelled 51 and sidehandstamp in BLUE colour "ODENSE 18/3". Beautiful entire.
Estimate :
600 DKK Not sold
1857. 8 sk. + 16 sk. All in all 24 sk. on beuatiful cover from "FREDERIKSHAVN 30/10-1857" to Arendal, Norway. Exhibition condition.
Estimate :
7,000 DKK Price realised:
9,000 DKK -
1854. 16 sk. greypurple. Very scarce strip of 4 with huge margins. Most attractive!
Estimate :
3,000 DKK Price realised:
2,800 DKK -
1854. 16 sk. greypurple. Very fine pair with good to huge margins cancelled 191 "DAMPSK NO. 1"
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1854. 16 sk. greypurple, pos. 61/91. Scarce vertical stripe of 4 with marginal. Washed colour and an ironed out fold. Very scarce unit.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
1854. 16 sk. greypurple. Lux-canc. 1
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Not sold
1854. 16 sk. greypurple. Wide margined copy with centric numeral 1. A bit oxydized. Cert. Møller EXCELLENT ITEM
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1854. 8 sk. green. Very fine used copy 67 "SORØ".
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
500 DKK -
1854. 8 sk. green. PERFECT used pair 41 "MARIBO". LUXURY!
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,000 DKK -
1854. 8 sk. green. Very fine used copy 19 "FREEDERIKSHAVN".
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1854. 8 sk. green. Very fine used copy 88 "MARIAGER".
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
210 DKK -
1854. 8 sk. green. Very fine and colourfresh strip of 3 cancelled 43 "NAKSKOV". Scarce in this condition.
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1854. 2 sk. + 4 sk. (1864-issue). All in all 6 sk. on scarce PRINTED MATTER from "KJØBENHAVN OPE 17/8-1863" to Sarpsborg, Norway.
Estimate :
2,000 DKK Price realised:
1,800 DKK -
1854. 8 sk. green. Strip of 3 with veru fine margins + single stamp on small piece.
Estimate :
1,500 DKK Price realised:
750 DKK -
1854. 4 sk. brown. Single on cover cancelled 170 and side handstamp KIELER BAHNHOF 3/2-1856 and curved cancel "2 F.P ?/2"
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
360 DKK -
1854. 4 sk. brown. Lux-canc. 113: ALTONA
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1854. 4 sk. brown, 5. pr. Very fine used by NORWEGIAN grid cancel! Scarce.
Estimate :
1,000 DKK Price realised:
500 DKK -
1854. 2 Sk. blue. Copy with WIDE margins all around.
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
300 DKK -
1854. 2 Sk. blue. Fine copy on small footpost cover 2.8.1861. Cert. Møller EXCELLENT ITEM
Estimate :
600 DKK Price realised:
460 DKK