Nørgaardsvej 3 in Lyngby is the address of Bruun Rasmussen’s new headquarters, where the management and most employees are located. This is where both our Live Auctions and Online Auctions will be held, and where you can have your art, design, antiques, wristwatches and jewellery valued and consign your items to auction. It is also here that you can explore the changing exhibitions, where everything set to go under the hammer in the near future is on display.
Opening Hours
AddressNørgaardsvej 3 |
What can you do at this location
- Have art, design, antiques, jewellery and wristwatches valued
- Consign items to Live Auction and Online Auction
- Receive guidance in connection with a sale or purchase at auction
- Participate in Live Auctions
- Visit the exhibitions and view the items in person prior to the auctions
- Pick up auction purchases